for now, the only thing we're growing on this farm is kids - not the goat variety

Oh, the Unexpected Fun with Cariboo Balls

Cariboo balls - 1 level

A few months ago, Marathon’s brother gave Doodle a fun, educational game called Cariboo. He loves it, and is learning to identify numbers, letters, shapes, and colors. The object of the game is to use a key and 6 colorful rubbery balls to open a treasure chest. Great fun for a toddler!

The Cariboo balls are essential to the game. They are just the right size to roll down the chute that leads to the treasure chest. Without them the game would be rendered useless. So, not wanting those precious balls to get mixed up with the stash of regular ‘ol bouncy balls, I’ve been quite meticulous about making sure they stayed with the game…until my husband, Marathon, got hold of them.

Always one to notice details, he commented on the tackiness of the Cariboo balls and wondered if he could make a pyramid out of the six balls. He didn’t think he could do it but decided to give it a try. So, for about 45 minutes, he wrestled and coaxed those 6 balls. Amazingly, he was able to do it. Three balls on the carpeted floor, and three in the air. Take a look! Then, give it a try yourself.

Cariboo balls - 2 levels

Four balls on the floor, 2 in the air.

Cariboo balls - 3 levels

Ta-da! Three balls on the floor, three in the air! Dont’ be fooled; it’s not easy.

Sudoku likes it!

Sudoku was impressed!


  1. beck38

    I just tried this with marbles and it doesn’t seem like it’s even possible!

    Fess up, gal!

  2. beck38

    okay, sorry, just noticed the part about “tackiness”.

  3. beck38

    Would this be Marathon’s brother, “Lingo”, or does he have another brother?

  4. admin

    Yes, Lingo’s the one — the only one.

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